3-D numerical simulations of relay growth and breaching along normal faults using the distinct element method.

Imber, J.1, Tuckwell, G.W.2, Childs, C., Walsh, J.J., Heath, A. & Bonson, C.
Present Address:
1 - Reactivation Research Group, University of Durham, U.K.
2 - The School of Earth Sciences and Geography, Keele University, U.K.

Abstract - Three-dimensional numerical models of neutral relay zones on normal faults that cut massive sandstone host rocks have been constructed using the distinct element method code, Particle Flow Code in 3-D (PFC3D). The models successfully reproduce the geometries, displacement profiles and strains observed in natural relay zones. In contrast to boundary element method simulations, the modelled relay ramps dip towards the hanging wall, consistent with observations of most natural relays. The modelling shows that relay zones with aspect ratios of 1, 2 and 3 – values that are typical of many naturally occurring relays – are stable structures that ‘grow’ by progressive rotation of an approximately planar relay ramp without significant propagation of the relay-bounding faults prior to breaching. Stable growth is terminated when a breaching fault propagates across the top or bottom of the relay ramp. Breaching fault propagation is not instantaneous and the ramp continues to rotate, and therefore transfer displacement between the relay-bounding faults, until the relay zone is hard linked. Following hard linkage, displacement is accommodated by slip on the through-going fault surface. The modelling results confirm previous conceptual models of relay growth and breaching based on geometric and kinematic analysis of natural relay zones.

Abstract of poster presented at:

AGU Annual Conference, San Francisco, December 2003