The role of faults in localising mineral deposits in the Irish Zn-Pb Orefield

Bonson, C.1., Walsh, J.J. & Carboni, V.2.

1 - SRK Consulting, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
2 - Hydro, Bailleval, France.

Abstract -
We present the results of studies of the structural geology of three mines in the Irish Zn-Pb orefield, Galmoy, Lisheen and Silvermines which support a model invoking the existence of normal fault relay zones at fault segment boundaries to be responsible for the localisation of up-fault fluid flow of metal-bearing fluids, and their entrapment within stratiform dolomite breccias. We show that, these structures occur in deposit-related fault systems over a broad range of scales which tend to reflect the mechanical stratigraphy of the host rocks, yet only relay zones with a particular size:displacement ratio are likely to have contributed significantly to the localisation of up-fault fluid flow. Moreover, their precise geometrical arrangement may have favoured the flow of ore fluids into the hangingwall, where Irish Zn-Pb deposits are observed, or to ascend the fault to higher levels, possibly reaching the sea floor.

Abstract of talk given to:

Structural Geology and Resources 2012, Australian Institute of Geologists (AIG), Kalgoorlie, September 2012.