Heterogeneous fault zone structure and related flow localization within limestones

Walsh, J.J., Bonson, C.G., Childs, C. & Manzocchi, T.

Abstract - Using outcrop constraints from Oligo-Miocene normal faults in Malta and mine data for Carboniferous normal faults in Zn-Pb Irish mineral deposits, this talk describes the heterogeneous nature of fault zone structure and content, concentrating on the importance of linear zones of high porosity-permeability. These zones of enhanced permeability are highly localized fault linkage-related features occurring on a range of scales, most often below the limit of hydrocarbon and mineral exploration datasets, that can be shown to promote highly localized fluid flow. Here we outline their geometry and formation, consider their potential impact on flow and how their presence might be predicted.

Abstract of talk given to:

Fault and Top Seals - from Pore to Basin Scale, EAGE Conference, Montpellier, September 2009.