DEM modelling of the onset and kinematic evolution of caldera collapse

Duration - 01/12/2007 - 30/11/2009

Funding - Embark Post-Doctoral Fellowship to Eoghan Holohan

Basic Aims
Caldera volcanoes form via catastrophic structural failure and km-scale collapse of a magma reservoir roof. Assessing the hazard and economic potentials of calderas is hindered, however, by continuing uncertainty over what conditions trigger reservoir roof failure, what the initial fault geometry and modes are at failure, and how collapse structures evolve thereafter. This is mainly because caldera structures are poorly preserved, combined with the limitations of recent physical and numerical models of collapse which can yield apparently conflicting results. This project will apply a relatively new technique to unravelling caldera formation - 2D and 3D Discrete Element Modelling (DEM). DEM provides a means of (i) quantifying the stress and strain conditions responsible for triggering initial failure and (ii) directly simulating the formation and evolution of fracture systems thereafter. By systematically and quantitatively testing the effects of key geometric and mechanical pre-collapse parameters, DEM models will investigate the 3D development and sub-surface architecture of caldera structures, and will provide an improved basis for caldera-related hazard assessment and mineral exploration.

Contact: Eoghan Holohan
