Fluid flow in dual permeability hydrocarbon reservoirs.

Duration - 01/01/94 - 31/12/95

Funding - Funded by the European Union Fourth Framework Hydrocarbon Reservoir Programme.

Co-ordinator - Fault Analysis Group (U.K.)

Industrial Partners

Other research partners

Summary - This project dealt with the problems involved in production from fractured reservoirs. Of particular interest were methods of fracture characterisation, upscaling and flow modelling. The work is now effectively being continued in the form of the project entitled Equivalent volume modelling of dual porosity dual permeability hydrocarbon reservoirs.

The results of this project have been published in the form of a guide which is available from the Fault Analysis Group on request:

Interim guide to fracture interpretation and flow modelling in fractured reservoirs. 1997.
(Aarseth, E.S., Bourgine, B., Castaing, C., Chiles, J.P., Christensen,N.P., Eeles, M., Fillion, E., Genter, A., Gillespie, P.A., Hakansson, E., Joergensen, K.Z., Lindgaard, H.F., Madsen, L., Odling, N.E., Olsen, C., Reffstrup, J. Trice, R., Walsh, J.J., Watterson, J.)
European Commission Report, Joule II Contract No. CT93-0334.

Contact: John Walsh
Tel: +353 1 716 2169