The origin and nature of Cenozoic faulting in north-east Ireland

Duration - 01/10/2008 - 30/09/2013

Funding - PhD Studentship jointly funded by the British Geological Survey (& Geological Survey of Northern Ireland) BUFI fund and by the Petroleum Affairs Division (Dublin).

PhD student - Hugh Anderson

Project description
Using both onshore and offshore geological and geophysical data, this project will define the geometry and kinematics of Cenozoic faulting mainly in the north-east of Ireland and will attempt to reconcile related structures to the established larger-scale tectonic deformations. The project will establish the significance of the reactivation of earlier Caledonian and Carboniferous structures in the evolution of Cenozoic faulting and will investigate the role of faulting on the formation of Tertiary igneous provinces and sedimentary depocentres. The potential impact of Tertiary faulting on the integrity of hydrocarbon reservoirs and CO2 storage sites will also be considered. The conduct of the project will benefit from strong links with the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI, Belfast) and with the Petroleum Affairs Division (PAD, Dublin) and from the availability of high quality data, including the Tellus datasets and both onshore and offshore seismic data.

Contact: John Walsh
Tel: +353 1 716 2169